Special Exhibition "Shetani: the spritis of Tanzania
 -Paintings and Sculuptures of Makonde-"

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【Exhibition Information】

First period: March 14, 2020 - April  10, 2020
Second period: November 14, 2020 - January 11, 2021

Venue:Visitor Center, Japan Monkey Centre

Orgnizer :Japan Monkey Centre
Co-orgnizer:The Leading Graduate Program in Primatology and Wildlife Science (PWS) , Kyoto University
Special support:Ms. Asami Kanayama (Shetani Art)

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 1. Intorduction 

 2. Shetani in the Dream World by Hendrick Lilanga

 3. Mysterious Shetani carved by Mathias Nampoka

 4. Nyumba ya Sanaa: the House of Art -George Lilanga and Francis Patric Imanjama

 5. The Tingatinga School of painting

 6. The Kanga : the colorful fabric of Tanzania

 7. People in Tanzania, and Shetani

【Exhibition (First period) 】

【Exhibition (Second period) 】

 Click the images to see a larger version.